The Success Cycle revolves around Belinda Evangelica, one of Bettina John’s five Alter Egos who she has developed in 2012. The different forms this project takes range from music, performance and art to fashion, installation and motivational speech.
This is a performance similar to a cult gathering where audience members become part of the cult of success. Belinda Evangelica has been successfully touring this show throughout Europe.
The Success Cycle performance is made up of three parts without a fixed order. Evangelica’s belief is that success is a cycle of raising up, then down and then up again, liking phoenix from the ashes. The three parts talk about the different stages of the cycle: Flying high, Falling (Underground) and getting back on track (The Success Train).
Music: Bettina John and Avon Terra
Camera: Jason Wenn
Make-up: Anna Kompaniets